The Proven Creative
Curriculum® For Stellar
Academic Foundations
Your Child Learns, Grows, & Hits Their Milestones At All Stages Of Development
Discovery Tree Academy
Ignite Their Learning With An Amazing Preschool Curriculum
Your little one’s academic career starts with the research-backed and play-based Creative Curriculum®. This proven, hands-on learning strategy incorporates stories, songs, dramatic play, memorable characters, and guided and open-ended activities that teach:
- Letters, letter recognition, and sounds
Numbers, number recognition, shapes,
and patterns -
Colors and sensory science (including cool
bug bins!)
- Letter sounds, letter formation, pre-reading, and verbal communication
Number formation, patterns, and
pre-math concepts - Sensory science and natural processes like seasons and weather
- Early social studies to help them relate to their environment and community
- Pre-reading and early reading
- Early math functions
- Sensory science and further natural studies
- Social studies like calendars, professions, cultures, and more

Social-Emotional Support That Fosters Confidence & Kindness
Your child learns to navigate the world around them with empathy and respect for themselves and others. Teachers help your child express and regulate their emotions and model appropriate behaviors, so your child becomes a kind peer and confident self-advocate.
Practical Skills To Set Your Child Up For Independence
Teachers integrate age-appropriate practical skills into your child’s day. They learn to make their breakfast, tidy up around the classroom, dress and undress for using the potty and going outdoors, and take care of their personal belongings.
Playing & Creating Their Way To A Bright Future
Play is the greatest teacher, so your little one makes arts and crafts, engages in open-ended imagination, music, dance, and sensory activities, and goes outside daily to build up crucial muscles and fine-tune their motor skills.
Your Input Matters In Your Child’s Learning
Not only does your child’s development soar when you reinforce their learning at home, but you also take an active role in what happens at school. Join the PTO and share your feedback on the latest educational philosophies and policies.